Post 7: English language challenge

Hello bloggers! How have you been? I hope everything is going alright with you all! The end of the semester is already coming and this is one of the last post I`ll write.

Well, this is the fourth semester am cursing this subject, and honestly, I really like it.  When I watching a movie or listening music in English I try my best to understand everything that am listening, and this is why I enjoy the classes, learning something new on each one of them.
The blog’s use is very nice, it helps me to improve and expand my vocabulary, and also to learn how express thoughts and ideas. But nevertheless I have so much to learn, doing a big effort for my pronunciation and specially to learn technical words related with forestry, to one day, be working in New Zealand which is one of my dreams.

I hope to reach this goal talking in English diary, and luckily I have friends who can talk in English and I can practice with the, besides watch movies in English without subtitle. Usually I don’t speak English day by day, but sometimes I use English words when I talk with my friends.
I hope to have a good level of English on the future because is a really useful tool for vacation ask for help or directions, for example. Also it helps people like visitors from other countries with directions, recommended places or nice Chilean food.

Well this all for today, but what about you? Do you like English? Or learn another language? Feel free to comment, all comments are welcome! Bye J


  1. This sounds great, keep with the learning and you will achieve anything, Grettings :)

  2. I think you have improved a lot you english, keep practising and I'm sure you'll be great :)

  3. OHH I really like New Zealand it is a very beautiful country. You can improve and someday you going to New Zealand and your dreams come true ! :D

  4. Nice post cotter, I hope your Dream come true!


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