
Showing posts from October, 2018

post 5: My future job

Hi bloggers! This topic makes me think many things, I have several questions and fears about my future. Forestry is such a beautiful career and it has things and areas that I like so much. At this time, if I have to choose what to do I couldn't answer myself, I like the ecology and process to the forest, how it works, the dynamics. But I also like insects, pests and disease related with forest, and without a doubt it would be one of the favourite jobs that I would like to do, perform analyses, look for symptoms of damage and issue diagnoses should be great. For this reason, I would like take a postgraduate and improve in someone of this areas. A big impulse to keep learning about forests and ecosystems is that I would like to put it up on practice for the rest of my life, so I understand different situations along the Chilean territory, starting with the big desert in the North, passing by the central zone and ending with the south and the Patagonia. All different places, weath

Post 3: Music

Hello bloggers! Today i'm going to write about a topic that I really enjoy to do, the music that I usually listen and my favorites bands. I'm a really indecisive person about music interest, I listen a lot of different kind of genres, like indie rock, rap, spanish and english rock, cumbia, reggaeton, etc, but I have my top 3, the first is Arctic Monkeys, an English rock (indie) band formed in 2002 in Sheffield, I really love their music style and how it sounds besides their new album is a masterpiece, I hope their comes to Lollapalooza 2019. The second is Pearl Jam, an American rock (grunge) band formed in 1990 in Seattle, I love Eddie Vedder voice, specially in the Yellow ledbetter song, but their have another greats songs like Alive, Black and Last Kiss. The third is Ska-p (I know my interests are a little weird and varied), a ska punk band formed in Madrid, Spain, my favorites songs are Mis colegas, Canto a la liberacion and Vergüenza. The most of their songs talking abou

Post 2: The best holidays I ever had

Hello bloggers, today I'm going to write about my best and favorite holidays I have ever had. Was in the summer of 2016 when I was backpacking with my cousin from Santiago to Chiloé.  The travel was began in the highway in San Bernardo and the first truck that stopped had as destiny Valdivia. That's was amazing because I have relatives in that city and we spend the night in their house. To the next day we start to travel early morning and arrive at Ancud late at night. We met a lot of beautiful places and towns, but most awesome to me was Detif, a little town located in an island named Lemuy. In that town doesn't live more than 30 people and its difficult to arrive there, but the people were so happy and friendly. I Remember a day I woke up early morning to see the sunrise, I went for a  walk to the beach and I could see dolphins and penguins, that was an amazing moment. See you soon :)